Leonardo Ugartemendia
Name: Ugartemendia, Leonardo Adrian
Phone: 011-15-38302415
E-mail: leougarte_13@hotmail.com.ar
Address: Av. Jujuy ‘1433 N 7’B, CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, CP 1214
- Degree in Biochemistry (Faculty of Exact Sciences, Universidad National de La Plata).
- Stem Cells-Lab: Development of biopharmaceuticals (May 2013 to present day).
- Design of the cell culture laboratory facilities.
- Drafting of work GMP protocols.
- Drafting of the quality manual to submit to local and national health authorities.
- Put on the verge of drafting of laboratory protocols and techniques.
- Obtaining of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC, Mesenchymal stem cell) of different origin, as of adipose tissue, synovial fluid and other.
- Cultivation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC, Mesenchymal stem cell) in different matrixes (Matrices type mold and printed 3D).
- Obtaining, cell culture (suspended and attached) and fabrics.
- Decellularized of corneas, bone and recellularization of pancreatic islets.
- Preparation of PRP (platelet rich plasma) and PLTLH (collection of factors through the lysate of human platelets).
- Training of personnel, coordination of different laboratory tasks.
- Stock control.
- Participation in theoretical courses for medical doctors.
- At Universidad Maimonides, Development and research of biopharmaceuticals (February 2012 to September 2015).
- Collection, cultivation and activation of T-lymphocytes. Selection of populations through CLIN iMacs.
- Collection, cultivation and B lymphocyte activation. Selection of lymphocytes B.
- Preparation, production and cultivation of TBH (tumor B-cell lymphocyte hybridoma).
- Mesenchymal culture of dendritic cells (D.C).
- Collection and culture of tumor cells.
- Collection and culture of umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem cells.
- Obtaining of stem cells (MSC, Mesenchymal stem cell) of different origin, as of adipose tissue, synovial fluid and other.
- Cultivation of Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC, Mesenchymal stem cell) in different matrixes (Matrices type mould and printed 3D).
- Obtaining, cell culture (suspended and attached) and fabrics.
- Decellularization of corneas, bone and recellularization and pancreatic islets.
- Preparation of PRP (platelet rich plasma) and PLTLH (collection of factors through the lysate of human platelets).
- Design models of animal diseases which are studied immunotherapies and biomedical products.
- Control of cultures by flow cytometry.
- Direct and indirect immunofluorescence and Immunohistochemistry.
- Grounding point and drafting of laboratory protocols.
- Training of personnel, coordination of different laboratory tasks.
- Stock control.
- Sanatorium Argentino of La Plata city , laboratory clinical analysis (February to November of the same year 2013).
- Abbott of Argentina , Analyst on physic-chemical quality control (August 2012 to February 2013).
- (u.v) – ultraviolet spectrometry visible infrared (i.r.) spectroscopy.
- atomic absorption (aa) spectroscopy.
- spectrofluorimeter.
- karl fischer.
- diluter.
- hplc.
- Stem Cells-Lab: Development of biopharmaceuticals (May 2013 to present day).
- Speaker at Conference:
- 3rd International Society for Cellular Therapy – South and Central America Regional Meeting
- 4th International Congress on innovative stem cell therapies
- 5th Congress of the Latin American Society of Cellular therapy
- Conference: construction of bones by pinna and tissue engineering
- XV Congress of AATD
- Table biological therapies, importance of immune response in the regeneration of osteo – articular lab to medical practice.
- Courses taught:
- Intensive training Hands on (Argentina):
- Extraction, isolation, activation and reinstatement of stem cells from adipose tissue.
- Coordinator Dr. Daniel Felix
- Intensive training Hands on (MVD-Uruguay):
- Extraction, isolation, activation and reinstatement of stem cells from adipose tissue.
- Coordinator Dr Betty Gonzales, consultant scientist Prof Eduardo Civila.
- Published works:
- Adipose mesenchymal stromal cells (AMSC) differentiate into neural progenitor cells (NPC) after 24 hours of culture with effecter co cells (EC) against central nervous system (CNS) proteins; Cytotherapy 2014; 16; Supplement 4.
- Homologous demineralised bone matrix (DBM) associated to autologous adipose mesenchymal stromal cells (aMSC) and efefcter cells (EC) against DBM induces bone tissue formation at two weeks post treatment of experimental jaw injury in pigs. Cytotherapy 2014; 16; Supplement 4.
- _ Thesis: comparative study of the levels of arsenic and fluoride in groundwater used for consumption in the towns of ranches and O´Higgins province of Bs. As. Performed in the laboratory of sanitary engineering (LIS) of the Faculty of engineering, UNLP. 2011
- Techniques used:
- Silver diethylthiocarbamate technique.
- Ion selective electrode method for determining fluoride.

- Graduate in Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, graduated from the Faculty of Exact Sciences of the National University of La Plata.
- Cell and tissue culture specialist.
- Executive coordinator of the mesenchymal cell culture laboratory at MaterCell SA.
- Head of operations in the Laboratory of Regenerative Dentistry of the Faculty of Dentistry of the National University of La Plata.
- Professor of the subject Introduction to Cell Culture at the Faculty of Dentistry of the National University of La Plata.

Hugo Giordano
Name: Hugo E. Giordano Cortazzo
- Doctor of Medicine from the University of the Republic, UDELAR, Uruguay. May 1984.
- He completed several stays and training in the management of Flow Cytometers in Argentina, Mexico and the United States, including an internship at the Hospital Universitario de Salamanca (Spain).
- Medical Director of the Laboratory of the Pérez Scremini Foundation – Pediatric Hematology in charge of Flow Cytometry, from 2013 to date; Institution that studies all children with leukemia in Uruguay.
- Former Director of Flow Cytometry in the Clinical Analysis Laboratory of the Spanish Association and CASMU.
- Coordinating teacher of the Flow Cytometry seminar at the University of Montevideo, years 2015-2016.
- He has made more than 70 presentations on cytometry in national and international conferences, with 21 published papers.
- Belonging to the Uruguayan Society of Hematology (SHU) Uruguayan Society of Cytology
- (SUC), Founding Member of the Rio de la Plata Flow Cytometry Group (Uruguay-Argentina- ISAC Subsidiary) having been its President 2012-2014 and integrated 5 Directive Commissions., and Member of the Latin American School of Cytometry.

Marcos Sabino
Name: Marcos Antonio Sabino Gutiérrez
Phone: (0058) 2129063990 Ramal: 3990
- Possui Graduação em Química de Polímeros pela Universidade Simón Bolívar (USB) em Caracas-Venezuela (1989), Mestrado em Engenharia de Materiais (1996) e Doutorado em Química (2000) pela mesma USB. Desenvolveu trabalhos de pesquisa em Biopolimeros no Instituto de pesquisa Frances INRA onde fez o seu primeiro pos-doutoramento (2002-2003), e logo entre 2004-2005 fez um segundo pos-doutoramento na Universidade do Minho (Braga-Portugal), no prestigioso grupo da Pesquisa em Biomateriais liderado pelo Dr. Rui Reis, o Grupo 3Bs. Teve a oportunidade de fazer um estagio corto (Agosto-Setembro 2006) de pesquisa na Unite de recherche en Biologie Cellulaire Vegetale des Facultes Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix a Namur-Bélgica. Entre Dezembro 2012 e Outubro 2013 fez um estagio do ano sabático no Centro de Tecnologia e Informação (CTI) Renato Archer em Campinas (SP) e também fez algumas experiencias de laboratório durante esse período no Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia (INT) em Rio de Janeiro (RJ). Atualmente e desde o 2005, trabalha como Professor Titular a dedicação exclusiva do Departamento de Química, da Universidade Simón Bolívar (Caracas-Venezuela), nas áreas de Química Orgânica e Polímeros. E pesquisador chefe do Grupo de Pesquisa B5IDA (Biomateriais ?Biomiméticos ? Biopolímeros, Biodegradáveis e Biocompatíveis) onde dedica a sua pesquisa trabalhando com polímeros como Poliácido láctico PLA, policaprolactona PCL, poli(N-isopropil-acrilamida) PNIPA, blendas entre polímeros biodegradáveis, biopolimeros: quitosana, alginato, acido hialuronico, colágeno. Tamebm trabalha no desenvolvimento do Hidrogéis biodegradáveis para o encapsulamento do fármacos e biomoléculas. Possui experiência na área de caracterização de materiais (espectroscópicas, calorimétricas, morfológicas, mecânicas, etc.) para o estudo destes biomateriais e dos processos de degradação, e processo de modificação química de estes biomateriais. Também usa técnicas como prototipagem rápida para a produção de andamios para engenharia tecidual e electrospinning. Pertenceu à rede BIOFAB (Rede Iberoamericana de Biofabricação: Materiais, Processos e Simulação) financiada pelo CYTED (Programa Ibero-Americano de Ciência y Tecnologia para el Desarrollo). Tem sido referi de várias revistas científicas internacionais. É membro do Programa de Estimulo para a Pesquisa Venezuelana (PEII, nível A) e de diversas comissões acadêmicas e de pesquisa dentro da Universidade Simón Bolívar. Chefe do departamento de química da Universidade Simón Bolívar de 2019 até o presente.